Explainer video definition

Ever seen a minute- or two-long videos that describe a concept, tool usage, or process in a concise way? These are explainer videos – their main goal is to provide information to viewers clearly and effectively. Such videos have several characteristics in common:

  • They are usually short to keep viewers’ attention and convey key points without unnecessary information.
  • They make complex concepts or products clear by using simple language, visual metaphors, and straightforward explanations.
  • Each video focuses on a specific topic or issue and doesn’t stray away from it.
  • Animation, infographics, and other visual elements are commonly used to make information more accessible and interesting.
  • Professionally voiced explanations often accompany visual elements, helping viewers better understand the meaning.

Purpose and benefits of explainer videos

Anyone can create explainer videos for anything, though typically, they are made for companies that have clear goals for requesting them. Usually, these goals are:

  • Improved understanding. Such videos help viewers better understand complex services or concepts right away.
  • Increased engagement. Video content usually attracts more attention and invokes more interest than text.
  • Strengthen marketing efforts. Videos can effectively communicate the value of a product or service, which can help increase conversions and sales for them.
  • Increase brand awareness. An interestingly looking video can reinforce a brand and make it more recognizable by association.
  • Education and training. Such videos can be used for internal employee training or to train customers on how to use the goods they provide.

Types of explainer videos

Interested in the genre? Take a look at examples of explainer videos to better understand the difference between their types:

  • Animated videos are the most popular ones; they provide information emphasized with colorful and eye-catching movement.
  • The whiteboard ones are also animated, but don’t use much color and attract attention by the process of drawing the image.
  • In typography type, voiced phrases are animated and thus the effect mostly depends on striking use of words.
  • In live-action videos, people present the information by acting it out.

How to create an explainer video

The whole process requires several key steps to take:


  • Clearly define what message you want to convey to your viewers. This could be explaining certain properties of a new product, training, or introducing a tool or concept.
  • Determine the target audience. The best explainer videos tend to cater to the viewers’ interests and their level of understanding.
  • Write a short, concise script that explains the main idea.
  • Create a storyboard to visualize how the video will look like. It will aid you in planning the visual elements and sequence of scenes.


  • Decide the visuals you’ll go for: animated explainer video, live-action, or a hybrid. Animations are pretty popular because of their flexibility and appeal; whiteboard explainer videos can have a similar effect while being hybrid.
  • Record or order a professional voiceover of the script and choose suitable background music and sound effects to enhance the experience.
  • Put everything together in a video editing program or other explainer video makers. Synchronize animation or video with voiceovers and music. Add text, graphics, and transitions.


  • Upload to video and social media platforms, as well as your website, if you have one.
  • Write an attractive and informative title, add a description with keywords, and use tags to increase conversion.
  • Place your videos in blogs or articles to go into details and attract more viewers, and use paid advertising to increase the reach.


What is the ideal length for an explainer video?

The ideal length is usually between 60 and 90 seconds. This time slot is optimal for keeping viewers’ attention and delivering key messages effectively.

How much does explainer video production cost?

It can vary vastly as it depends on multiple factors. The length of the video, the style of the animation, the level of detail required, voice acting, the use of special effects, and the choice of whether a studio or freelancer produces the video – all contribute to the final cost.

Should an explainer video have a professional voiceover?

Professional voice-over can greatly improve the quality and reception of the video. However, if the budget is limited, there are alternative ways to achieve good results, including recording yourself and using TTS technologies.


Explainer videos are a powerful communication tool that can effectively convey important information to a wide audience. Their brevity and focus on a specific topic make them easy to view on any platform.