How to merge MP3 files online

Our tool lets you merge audio files online in a few seconds and is completely free. It only takes a couple of clicks.

Want to merge MP3 or other files into one? Combine audio that you've taken from videos? Clideo makes it easy. We'll run through an example to learn how to combine songs into one track. Then you can use that example to turn all sorts of audio into a single track.

  1. Upload your audio files

    Open Online Audio Joiner by Clideo in any browser. Now we can start mixing our two or more songs together.

    Click "Choose Files" and find the necessary file on your phone, Mac or Windows computer. You can also upload from Google Drive or Dropbox.

    Add an MP3 or other audio files to combine
  2. Join audio files

    Then you can click "Add more files" to pick more audio tracks. You can use any file types you want, or even videos, the tool will extract the audio from them right away.

    After you've uploaded the songs you want to combine to the online audio joiner, drag and drop them on the timeline to change the order if needed.

    Change the order and merge your songs online

    We'll also turn crossfade on to create a seamless mix that isn't jarring when the song changes.

    Crossfade blends the two tracks together when one starts and the other ends. If you want a more distinct transition, leave it off. It's a good option for songs, but most other types of audio might sound a bit weird with the effect.

    We'll choose the format to save from the dropdown. Since we're looking at how to mix songs together, we'll use MP3 as an output. But you have lots of other options — you can export as M4A, AIFF, W64, and more.

  3. Download the joined audio

    When you're ready to save the file, just hit "Merge." The Online Audio Joiner will take a moment to process. When it's done, click "Download" to save it to your computer.

Now you know how to merge audio files online. You can do it for free, without any complicated audio editing software, in just a few minutes.

Once you've learned how to combine audio files, you can use the same method to merge videos with Clideo. The possibilities are endless! Play around with different file types and export options to learn what works best for you.

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