Common mistakes vloggers make

Hundreds, if not thousands, of new YouTube channels are created daily. Vlogging is rapidly gaining popularity because it is a profession everyone can master, regardless of age, interests, and financial capabilities. Despite this, if you look at how even the most successful YouTube channels started, you can see that almost every beginner video blogger repeats the same mistakes.

Of course, making such mistakes does not mean the path to blogging immediately closes. However, the fewer errors, the easier and faster it will be to promote your channel. Let's look at the YouTube mistakes that you should avoid:

  1. Choosing a topic that you are not interested in

    Yes, some vloggers earn more than others. But it doesn't mean you have to make the same content, especially if a topic doesn't interest you other than a means of making money. It will not bring you any pleasure or the desired profit. It's better to look into other content ideas and start shooting what you are best at. And even if you like to cut different objects with a white-hot knife, it will be interesting for someone to see!

  2. Bad video and sound quality

    It is essential to pay attention to the quality of the video. To attract a large audience, you need to shoot videos with a good camera. It doesn't have to be an expensive device: many budget manufacturers offer good enough video recording devices at an affordable price. A smartphone is also suitable – many modern models can shoot in 4K.

    The same applies to the sound, but if it doesn't seem good enough to you, it's better to invest in good equipment.

  3. Boring editing

    Here it gets a little more difficult. The fact is that editing a video for your channel is not simply making a slideshow with photos of your pet. Before you start, it would be best to learn some editing basics. Then you can create a video project and show it to your friends, hear what they have to say, and make changes based on their comments. And so on until you get a result exactly as you've imagined. Remember: the visual component is the most important thing!

  4. Too much of editing

    There is a problem on the other side as well. If viewers can forgive the lack of editing or its small amount for the sake of an interesting video, then too many transitions, frames, or color changes will quickly tire them. Of course, you can use them, but everything has its time and place. Overediting will work as a short visual joke, but for the rest of the video, it's best to know when to stop.

  5. Lack of understanding of the audience

    Everything is simple here: love your viewers! Imagine that you are on the other side of the screen. You like it when the content is created with a soul: the creator, like an old friend, conveys information to you, personally asks you to leave a comment under the video, asks what you want to see in the next episode, and makes you want to leave a like. How to achieve this? Just start reading the comments! Viewers are ready to share their opinions, desires, as well as criticize and inspire. Regularly review the comments under your video, communicate with your audience, and look for useful tips.

  6. Over-seriousness

    This point is partly related to the previous one. YouTube audiences are looking for entertaining content. This is easy to guess by analyzing your behavior. Therefore, there is no need to wait for feedback from the audience here. Remember once and for all: be as simple and accessible to the viewer as possible, and allow yourself to joke even during the most serious video. Humor has never harmed anyone, and on YouTube, on the contrary, it is very welcomed.

  7. Lack of a script

    Before recording each new video, it is better to sketch out, if not a detailed, then at least an approximate script (unless impromptu is a feature of the channel). Improvisation is great and always attracts the viewer, but it's better to do everything according to the plan: then it will take less time to make, and the resulting product will be of better quality.

    Some points may seem obvious, but there is a huge number of beginner vloggers who face at least one of the problems above. So make sure you know how to avoid or fix them and start creating!