Product demonstration video explained

A demonstration video (or "demo") is a brief recording that explains in detail all the peculiarities of a product, highlights its uniqueness, and shows how to use it.

It's not the same as a promo: the latter may be a pure advertisement without the product itself. It also differs from the manual: that type of video is all about step-by-step instructions. The demo aims to introduce a product and encourage customers to purchase it.

Why should you create a demo

As we have already said, it's an effective marketing tool. Polls have revealed that the lion's share of customers are more inclined to buy a service or a product if they can watch a demo first. Nobody likes pigs in a poke!

Give your viewers a good example of how your product can improve their lives. Don't forget, it's all about problem-solving. Such a video may also help you save money on promotion and advertising.

How to make a product video

There are two main types of demo videos:

  • Software demo videos. In such a case, you have to install this app on your smartphone and record a screen. Most modern gadgets have such in-built tools, also there are lots of free screen-recording apps.
  • A physical product demo. If you're selling real goods, you'd better record a person showing how to use this remarkable thing. Here you may need some additional equipment, including an external mic and a tripod for a cam.

Whichever demo you need, follow those rules:

  1. Write a script. Random switching between different functions and indistinct muttering will not heighten viewers' interest.
  2. Start with a clear explanation of what your product does. Again, your customers should precisely understand how their lives will improve with your goods/services.
  3. Don’t forget about CTA. Without a call to action, your viewers will not know what to do: should they subscribe to a newsletter to get a discount? Where can they purchase a product? Is there any link? What about any special offers? Just let them know.
  4. Post your demo on various platforms. If you have a company site, it's the first thing to post your video there, especially on the product's page. But don't forget about social media, and turn on the sharing option.
  5. Make your video look professional. It doesn't have to be expensive, nor should you hire a film crew or purchase professional equipment or software. But a little editing with the help of free online services will do no harm. You can also add captions, visual and sound effects.

Overall, a demo video is a nice and relatively low-cost way to demonstrate your product and attract more customers. Just make smart use of it!