What is a vodcast

Some people prefer to take in content on the go – while driving, exercising, or working – and podcasts are great for that. However, when they have free time, some users may wonder – do podcasts have videos?

The answer is yes and no, as it’s a separate format – a video podcast, or vodcast. It allows listeners to also see the creators talking and any other visual elements in the video. The vodcast format attracts users who prefer to see the emotions and facial expressions of the speakers and enhances personal interaction with the audience.

Types of video podcasts

There are many different vodcasts and usually, their topic defines the way they look.

The best-known video podcasts are interviews where the host invites various experts, celebrities, or specialists and discusses interesting topics with them, like The Joe Rogan Experience. It’s available both on YouTube and Spotify, but videos add a personal element and allow viewers to see the reactions and facial expressions of the participants.

There are also comedy sketches, parodies, and other humorous podcasts, such as Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend. The video format allows for better delivery of comedic elements, including facial expressions and body language.

Shows about travel, cooking, or any other niche topic are quite popular too. One such show is The Art of Charm, a vodcast dedicated to improving social skills, building relationships, and personal growth. The hosts offer advice and discuss various strategies to help listeners become more confident and successful in communication.

Basically, regardless of what you’re interested in, there’s probably a vodcast about it. It also helps to know which direction to go if you’re going to record your own one.

Why are video podcasts gaining popularity

The prevalence of the format is directly related to its advantages and changes in audience preferences.

For example, its visual appeal plays a big role. Vodcasts allow for a richer and more interactive experience through visual editing, live interviews, etc. This makes them more interesting and engaging for viewers. People are also used to consuming videos on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, which makes vodcasts a natural extension of this trend.

Interacting with the audience is equally important. Video allows viewers to see facial expressions, gestures, and other non-verbal cues that create a more personal feeling. In the case of live viewing, people can also leave comments and reactions, which encourages more active interaction and feedback from the speakers.

In addition, video podcast platforms like YouTube and TikTok help actively promote video content through their algorithms. This increases the visibility of vodcasts and helps grow an audience faster. Vodcasts can also be published simultaneously on different platforms and social networks, which expands the reach and attracts different audiences.

The issue of monetization is also important to many, and making videos provides more opportunities for integrating advertising and showing products. And some video platforms offer monetization programs, which makes creating vodcasts financially attractive.

How to start a video podcast

Are you interested in the topic and would like to make your own podcast video recording? It’s not difficult at all! Of course, you will need some equipment, but its cost will mostly depend on the idea and format you’re going to use.

So, if you intend to make vodcasts via online calls, the most significant thing is to have a suitable background and a good internet connection. A quality webcam and microphone are also essential, and many modern devices are good enough for an average viewer.

If you want to have a professional look from the start, you’ll need a spacious room with good lighting and minimal echo. You’ll also need a tripod, a quality video camera, and microphones with good sound pickup.

And don’t forget about a video editor, in which you will bring your vodcast to perfection!


What is a video podcast?

This is a podcast format that includes not only audio but also video. It helps increase engagement as viewers receive more information through visual cues.

Where can I publish my video podcast?

The main platforms for vodcasts are YouTube, TikTok, Facebook Video, and other video hosting sites. Videos can also be integrated into websites and blogs.

Is video podcasting more challenging?

Unlike audio-only podcasts, it requires additional equipment for filming and editing, making production more time-consuming and resource-intensive.


Vodcasts are gaining popularity due to their visual appeal, increased audience engagement, monetization opportunities, and the rise of video as the dominant format on the internet. These benefits make vodcasts more attractive to both content creators and viewers.