What to vlog about if you start a vlog

There are dozens of vlog types, ranging from common "how-to" to niche ones. But one day, every vlogger runs out of ideas, feels down, or can’t come up with anything bright and fresh.

Meanwhile, every idle day costs you followers: the vlogging market, especially YouTube, is extremely competitive, and if you can’t provide your viewers with first-class vlog content regularly, they’ll find someone who can.

Here is a short and not limiting list of the best topics for vlogging. Expand it with your ideas!

  1. Let me introduce myself

    Whatever your vlog channel is about, this episode will always come in handy. Let your subscribers get to know you better, explain your motivation, background, aims, and goals, and show that you are a real person.

  2. Daily routine

    You may share one day of your life with your followers. Start with usual chores like cooking breakfast, go on to do shopping. At the end, show your way to unwind. Don’t reveal your dark secrets, but become closer to your fans.

  3. Review

    If you are already a proven expert in any sphere, your opinion will be highly important. It may be a single book or a film review, a top-5 rating, or even negative feedback — like “top 5 of the worst songs I’ve ever heard” — whatever.

  4. Lifestyle advice

    If your vlog is not about fitness or healthy eating, it may be your personal experience, something like a “be like me, do it with me” episode. Tell your subscribers what you do to stay fit, what your healthy habits are, which fashion style you follow, etc.

  5. Help for couples

    If your family has already gone through tough times and has overcome some challenges, you can share this experience with other couples. This type of content demands some courage and frankness, though.

  6. Bloopers

    If you’ve been running your vlog long enough, you have a decent collection of bloopers, slip-ups, and other funny moments. Show them to the public!

  7. Challenges

    There are always actual challenges fluctuating on TikTok or YouTube. Choose the one you like and take part! Invite other vloggers to join, shoot a challenge with your partner, friends, or children — be creative!

  8. F.A.Q

    Being a vlogger, you certainly hear some questions more often than others. Answer them all in a bunch! Then just place a link to this episode in a description of your channel and get it out of your head.

  9. Guest episode

    Ask another vlogger to host your channel for one episode, and of course, pay the same favor to them. It may help to attract more followers for both of you.

  10. Do’s and Don’ts

    Make a list of tips on the topic of your expertise. Explain the best and worst practices and give several personal hints and lifehacks. Make sure your recommendations are short and clear!

    Of course, interesting topics are just a "table stake". To attract and retain more followers, you should provide them with technically and artistically impeccable content. You may use free online editing tools or licensed software to reach this goal.