How to use an MP3 to WMV converter

Our tool allows you to convert MP3 to WMV for free – you can upload an unlimited number of files up to 500 MB each. We have no ads, “freemium” modes or other marketing tricks. You can enjoy the full functionality of the tool.

If you get avail of the free mode, all your projects will bear a tiny watermark in the right bottom corner. If you want to get rid of it – just upgrade your account to Clideo Pro.

Our tool is compatible with all the operating systems including macOS, Windows and Linux. You can also convert your clip to any format you need, including MP4, MOV and others.

Just follow three easy steps:

  1. Upload an image

    Open Clideo’s MP3 to WMV converter, hit the “Choose File” button and pick up a visual which you are going to use as a base from your personal device. You can select an image, a video or even a GIF. Multiple selection is possible!

    Alternatively, call the drop-down menu and select a photo from an online source: Google Drive or Dropbox.

  2. Perform MP3 to WMV conversion

    Add more files, if you need, using the same options, as at the previous step.

    Then hit the “Add audio” option to upload your audio track, then trim it and adjust its volume. If your visual part consists of only one image, its duration will be automatically set “As audio”. If there are more pics, you should set their duration manually.

    If you are going to post your freshly-created video online, decide on a crop option and aspect ratio. Try different combinations and check what they look like in the player.

    When you are done, select the output format and click on “Create” to start proceeding.

  3. Download the result

    Run your clip in the player to check if everything runs smoothly. If so, save the result to your personal device or one of cloud storage accounts. If you need to change anything, just click on the “Back to edit” arrow and keep working on your project.

We are regularly improving our tools to add new features or enhance your experience. Check our Help Center for the most recent instructions.