What is a video voicemail and how to make it

And, strictly speaking, personalized voicemails are just emails with a video attached. That's the point: if you're a marketing manager performing so-called "cold calls", it's the best way to get your mail open, not moved to the bin.

Don't forget that you must call the person by their name, so each video voicemail should be recorded separately.

A hint! If you're planning a mailout, record one "main body" and several "introductions" and "conclusions", each with a separate personal appeal. It will save you time significantly.

Luckily, our video editing tool can help you with that and much more.

Let's learn how to turn a video into a voicemail.

  1. Upload your video to the tool

    Open Clideo’s Video Editor in any browser. Our service works online, you don't have to download or install it or even sign up: you can perfectly use a guest mode. Make sure your Internet connection is fast and stable, as file processing may take some time.

    Editor to make video voicemail clip

    Click subsequently the "Get Started" and "Upload" buttons to import your video message from your device, Dropbox, or Google Drive.

    Upload file to make video voicemail clip

    A hint! Record a branded video to make it more customized.

  2. Make a custom voicemail from a video

    You will find all the uploaded media files in "My Media"

    Drag the file to the timeline or the preview canvas and edit it as you need: cut, resize, change its speed, and other settings.

    It's a good idea to add some captions: this way, the addressee will be able to get your message even if they can't listen to the audio right now.

    Overall, don't hesitate to try any functions, buttons, and options you see: if something goes wrong, you can always undo it by clicking the left-faced arrow in the top right part of the screen or just pressing Ctrl + Z.

  3. Save the result

    When you're done and happy, hit the "Export" button and choose the resolution. For the best options without a watermark, you'll have to upgrade your account to Clideo Pro.

    When your file is processed, and you're sure you don't want to edit it anymore, save the video voicemail to your device or cloud storage account.

Help Center for Video Editor describes all features and options that are available in it, so do not hesitate to refer to it in case you need extra help.