How to make a GIF for Twitter

What if you have a brilliant GIF idea, but don't know how to bring it into life? Clideo will help you create a GIF for Twitter or other social medium and save it to your personal device.

Our tool is so user-friendly that you don’t even need any editing experience to handle it. It works online which is why you can use it on iPhone, Android, Mac, Windows, or other devices.

Keep on reading and get to know how to make a GIF fTwitter in three simple steps.

  1. Import a file

    Open the Clideo’s Twitter GIF Lopper in any browser. Click the "Choose file" button or hit the small arrow on the right side of the blue pane to upload the file from your device or Google Drive or Dropbox.

    You can also turn a video into a GIF. To do that, hit the pane itself and upload a video from your camera roll or a computer folder. Or import it from Google Drive or Dropbox in the above-mentioned menu.

  2. Create a GIF

    The uploaded file will appear in the player. To download it as a GIF, click the infinity sign.

    Our GIF Looper also allows you to convert a GIF into a video. For that, select a number of repetitions and a new output format among different popular and rare ones, including AVI, MP4, FLV, MOV, and others.

    When you are done, click “Loop”.

  3. Save the GIF

    Check if the result looks impeccable. If so, save it to your personal device or cloud storage. If any corrections are needed, click “Back to edit” and keep working.

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