What is video analysis?

Have you watched the popular show "Ted Lasso"? Have you ever wondered why the whole team with their coaches rewatch the game after each match? Not because they are self-affected narcissists who just can't stop admiring themselves. They are working on game analysis.

Also, you may have noticed that during hard workouts or dancing classes, athletes record themselves. Again, for the same purpose.

Video analysis is a process of analyzing your sports performance after the actual activity. Professional teams may use sports video cameras and sophisticated software, but amateurs, yogis and yoginis, gym-goers, and other athletes may get the same result with a simple smartphone recording. Just slow it down with the help of a video editing and spend some time analyzing your movements.

Benefits of sports video analysis

Performance analysis in sports improves the results greatly, this fact is proven by research and experience. And here is why.

Better than coaching

First of all, not everybody has a personal coach. But even if you do, the coach can miss something, they are just humans, not a spider with twelve eyes. Even if they have an eagle eye, they have to explain to you what you're doing wrong so that you understand it. It's not an easy task, considering that you don't see yourself from the same angle and don't know how these muscles should work.


Video recording doesn't lie; you can see all your faults fully. The recording doesn't want to offend or feel superior, it just reflects your performance.

Tracks your progress

If you record your workouts regularly, you can compare the first and the most recent recordings and see the progress. It may become a great motivational video for athletes.

Increases individual and team efficiency

Video analysis works on several levels:

  • Tactics
  • Strategy
  • Behavior

Players can see not only their performance and technique but also their group collaboration and their collective strengths and weaknesses.

Helps you win

Who said you can analyze only your performance? Right, nobody. You may well thoroughly study your opponent's video to find their soft spots and inconsistencies.

Reduces injury rate

Some sports are more dangerous, others are less, but none is 100% injury-free. Poor technique may cause serious traumas crucial for your sports career and daily life.

How to do video analysis

Generally, coaching video analysis is performed in three steps.

  1. Collecting data. As mentioned, you can use your smartphone or ask a friend to record your workout.
  2. Actual analysis. You can use sophisticated software that analyzes automatically and provides statistics, tables, and recommendations. But a simple slow mode will be enough if you are not a professional football player.
  3. Implement the gained knowledge. Try to change your movements and remember the behavioral peculiarities you saw on the recording.


How does video analysis improve performance in sports?

In various ways. It reveals the technique mistakes you were not even aware of, helps build a strategy for team players, gives objective feedback, and prevents major injuries.

Is video analysis for professional athletes only?

Not at all! Rather the opposite. While professional athletes avail of the full support of a coach (or even coaches), amateur gym-goers may rely only on their mirror reflection and video recordings.

Do I need special equipment for video analysis?

No. Just record yourself on your smartphone and slow the video down for further analysis.


Thanks to modern technologies and affordable smartphones packed with numerous functionalities, we can avail of coaching techniques that used to be accessible to professional athletes only. Try them out, and don't forget to check your progress!