What are deepfakes

By now, many have heard of or seen deepfakes – fake, but very realistic images and deepfake videos, where one person or object is replaced by another. Most often these are humorous edits of scenes from popular films or TV series and combining them with memes or other funny things. These days it’s very easy to create a video of any kind, and deepfake content can also be made by using AI and machine learning technologies.

But if video deepfakes were more common at the time, now the audio aspect, also called voice cloning, is also gaining popularity.

What is voice cloning and how it works

Voice cloning is a technology that uses AI and machine learning to create synthetic voices that closely mimic the voice of a real person. The basic method of processing involves analyzing and modeling the audio characteristics of the voice, such as timbre, intonation, speed, and accent.

There are a few key aspects of voice cloning:

  • Data collection. Voice samples of the person the creator wants to clone are required. The more samples, the more accurate the fake voice will sound in the end.
  • Processing. Machine learning algorithms are used to analyze and highlight key characteristics of the voice.
  • Simulation. A voice model is created that can generate speech that sounds exactly like the original voice.

How can voice cloning be utilized

As with any tool, the use of AI-generated audio depends on the goals of its creator. This can be related to hobbies and interests, such as creating covers of songs using the voice of a popular person or fictional character; or to recreate the voices of people who are no longer alive.

It can be used for production purposes as well, such as creating synthetic voices for use in films, video games, and animation, or personalizing the voices of virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa. In addition, this way you can create voiceovers for commercials and marketing campaigns.

Interested? If you want to learn more, check out such notable deepfake voice generators as:

  • Lyrebird, one of the early voice cloning companies, offers highly accurate synthetic voices.
  • Google DeepMind's WaveNet, which uses advanced machine learning algorithms to create highly realistic voices.
  • Descript Overdub, a tool that allows users to create synthetic versions of their voices for audio editing.

Voice cloning controversies

Like many modern technologies, voice cloning is associated with a number of controversial issues relating to social aspects. Here are the main ones:

  • Privacy and consent. Using voice cloning without a person’s explicit consent is a violation of their privacy rights. This is especially important in cases where the voice is used for commercial or public purposes.
  • Fraud and abuse. A cloned voice can be used for fraudulent purposes such as phone scams, phishing attacks, and other types of deception.
  • Ethical and reputation issues. Creating false audio evidence can damage reputations and lead to unfair accusations while also undermining the credibility of audio evidence.
  • Legal issues. The voice may be considered part of a person’s intellectual property, and its use without permission may violate copyright rights.

Thus, creating audio using voice cloning requires careful consideration and regulation. It is important to ensure that technology is used responsibly and with respect for the rights and interests of all participants.


Is voice cloning illegal?

It can be legal as long as the relevant laws and ethical standards are followed. It is important to obtain consent, respect intellectual property rights, and not use cloned voices for fraudulent or deceptive purposes.

Can deepfake audio be spotted?

Tracking deepfake audio is a complex task that requires the use of advanced technology and analysis methods. While it is difficult to completely guarantee the result, there are many AI voice detectors that use various analyses to significantly increase the likelihood of successfully detecting a deepfake.

Is voice cloning the same thing as TTS?

These are related but different technologies. TTS is used to convert text to speech using synthetic voices, while voice cloning aims to create an exact copy of a specific person’s voice. In some cases, these technologies can be used together to create synthetic speech that sounds like a specific person’s voice when reading the provided text.


Voice cloning is a cutting-edge technology that opens up vast possibilities in various fields, from media and entertainment to marketing and virtual assistants. However, there are significant ethical and legal issues associated with its use that require careful consideration and regulation.