How to create a GIF image from your own video

It may well happen, as free visuals from stocks all look the same. Why not create your own?

Read on and get to know how to make animated Easter greetings in three quick steps. But before you start, some pre-production actions are required.

First of all, make sure your video for Easter GIFs animations doesn't exceed several seconds. If it does, trim it. It will also reduce the file's size, which is handy as all our tools process files up to 500 MB for free.

Please be aware that GIF images have some logical limitations: they have no sound, and the resolution may be worse than the original video.

Now we are ready to start!

  1. Upload a trimmed video

    Open Clideo’s GIF maker in any browser. Yes, that's right: you don't have to install any software or applications, as our service works online. That's why we didn't specify the OS or a device type compatible with our tools: they all fit!

    Hit the "Choose file" button to upload a video from your personal folder or call the drop-down menu and import a file from cloud storage.

    You can also just drag and drop the needed visual right on the screen.

  2. Make a GIF

    Just hit the infinity sign on the grid to the right of the player, and your short video will turn into an endless GIF.

    You can also select the number of repetitions from 2 to 6.

    Don't forget to set an output format in this case. Our tool supports a wide range of extensions, but we'd recommend sticking to MP4 and MOV, as they are compatible with most platforms.

    When you're fully done, hit the "Export" button and give the tool several minutes to do its job.

  3. Save and update your project

    Now, all you have to do is to give your GIF a final run and save it to your device, Google Drive, Google Photos, or Dropbox.

    Don't want to bother yourself with tiresome downloading and uploading? Not happy with the watermark? Upgrade your account to Clideo Pro and apply various tools to your project right away!

    We are regularly improving our tools to add new features or enhance your experience. Check our Help Center for the most recent instructions.