What is Bookstagram
Each social medium has its "specialization". YouTube is the main video platform. Twitter is about lapidary and witty posts, and TikTok is aimed at the young audience with a short attention span and a "channel hopping" syndrome. Instagram's feature is aesthetically impeccable photos.
As the name implies, Bookstagram is an Instagram segment for a community of book readers and writers. That's where you can share your reading experience, find "to-be-read" lists, get involved in lively discussions, and even make new lifelong friends.
It all started as a simple hashtag but eventually has become an important part of Instagram.

Best Bookstagram accounts
This subculture unites representatives of different professions. The main types of bookstagrammers are:
- Avid readers whose main passion is devouring book after book. They write mesmerizing book reviews and post pictures of books, libraries, and bookshops. For example, @katieelizabeth_reads, @coffeeandbookss, and @silkreads.
- Publishers who inform their followers about new titles and prize-winning writers. Check out the following accounts: @riverheadbooks, @livelifehappy_as, @penguinukbooks.
- Bookstore owners, like these ones: @patricks_rarebooks, @tatteredcoverbookstore, @mobius_books_ltd.
- Authors who want to promote their novels and keep in touch with their fans directly. Examples: @authorarynwicka, @coraliebickfordsmith.
You can also come across book illustrators, digital artists, and many other "bookish" people. Bookstagram can meet your every need. Do you want to become a part of it?
If so, keep reading.
How to start a Bookstagram
First and foremost, decide what you want: to have fun and meet like-minded people or become a Bookstagram influencer and turn your passion into a source of income? If the former, you don't need a strategy or a plan: just post whatever you want and whenever you feel like it. If the latter, you'd better follow some basic rules.

Find your niche
Book reviews are the easiest way to hop in, but the competition is high, as it is the main topic for two bookstagrammers out of three. You may want to be a little bit more original, but be ready that your potential audience will shrink accordingly.
Here are some other Bookstagram post ideas:
- Reading lists.
- Books of a specific genre or by a certain author.
- Bookshop reviews.
- Selfies with books.
- Picturesque reading corners.
- Books and *something else*. Cats, cute animals, cups of tea or coffee always look good, but they are a little too worn-out. Try something new. For example, there is a very popular account with books and frozen desserts. Think about what can be your own schtick.
- "Words of wisdom": quotes from your favorite books.
- Places, cities, or buildings described in famous novels.
Set up your account
Make sure your account clearly belongs to Bookstagram. Set a profile picture with a book, pick up a bookish username, and write your bio as a reader. Keep it short and precise. Don't forget to use hashtags, this way, other book lovers will find you. It's also a good idea to set your account type as "creator".
Interact with fellow book-readers
Followers will not come out of the blue. Find the Bookstagram accounts you like, write nice and meaningful comments. If you appear to be an interesting person, they will follow you back.
Responding to stories is a good way to start a one-to-one discussion, as such comments are not public, they go to DMs.
When you get your own followers, don't neglect them. Try to engage them: post polls, ask questions, start challenges, etc.
Post regularly
Quality content is king. Bookstagram includes thousands of accounts. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you should "feed" your followers with quality content, not let them get bored and stray from your page in search of something more interesting.

Hints and tips
Everything seems pretty obvious so far: in terms of popularity, Instagram is no different from other social media. But it has some peculiarities to consider, though.
Take care of aesthetics
Instagram is 100% visual. You may not even write any captions at all, but if your photos are artistic enough, you'll get your share of loyal followers.
It's essential to make your profile look attractive, so make sure your photo or video content is properly edited. Some bookstagrammers keep their posts in one style so that they match as a grid. You may, for example, choose a sepia color scheme or any other common feature for your visuals.
Use different post types
Photos rule, but reels and stories can get you more followers. Especially being combined with music.
Use proper hashtags
Using IG hashtags is a real art. On the one hand, the most frequent ones, such as "bookstagram" or "reading" will throw you into a pool of thousands of other booksagrammers, and you may not be noticed among them. On the other hand, the niche ones, such as "somersetlibraries" may not be often used by other IG users when looking for interesting posts. Find your happy medium.
So, have fun! And happy reading!