What is the audio frequency range

Every sound is a wave caused by vibration. The amplitude or oscillation of this wave is called sound frequency. This characteristic defines the pitch, in other words, how low or high the sound is.

Audio frequency

Sound frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). This is the number of full cycles the wave performs per second. A human’s ear on average can perceive a sound range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz, though it may vary.

Musical pieces should include full-scale frequencies, otherwise the sound will be too "muddy", "boomy", or "squeaky". Even if during recording some frequencies prevailed, it may well be equalized during the post-shooting editing. But we need to understand what a frequency chart is first.

A common Hz unit breakdown looks the following way.

Low frequencies

A range of 20 - 250 Hz. It can also be divided into Sub-Bass (20 - 60 Hz) and Bass (60 - 250 Hz). This frequency is not only heard, it is also physically felt. Usually, this category is represented by a tuba, an upright bass, a bass guitar, or Tibetan singing bowls.

Low sound frequency bowls

This music frequency can create a subtle feeling of anxiety, discomfort, and unease, especially at the lowest range. On the other hand, depending on the instrument in use and other factors, listeners can experience calmness, relaxation, and a meditative state.

On a physical level, sub-buss is felt as a vibration rather than a sound, which can even cause a headache or a feeling of high pressure in the ears.

Mid frequencies

A range of 250 - 4000 Hz. It can be divided into Low Mids (250 - 500 Hz), Midrange (500 - 2000 Hz), and High Mids (2000 - 4000 Hz). In the orchestra, this sound range is presented by woodwinds, violins, a trumpet, and, actually, most musical instruments.

Mid sound frequency violins

Mid-range is the most common for human hearing, as our voices fall into the same category. Sounds of this frequency can evoke sadness, joy, nostalgia, irritation — the full range of emotions, both positive and negative, depending on the instrument, music tone, and other factors.

High frequencies

A range of 4000 - 20000 Hz. It can be divided into Presence (4000 - 6000 Hz) and Brilliance (6000 - 20000 Hz) subranges. Sometimes it is referred to as Tremble. In the orchestra, these frequencies are presented by piccolo, violins, and percussion.

On the emotional level, high-pitched sounds may cause anxiety, feelings of tension, fear, and irritation. On the other hand, cymbals can create a festive, joyful mood. A harp or a violin can also sound romantically, dreamful, ethereal.

High sound frequency percussion

As for the physical impact, long exposure to a high-pitched sound causes headaches, ear pain, and even hearing damage. Also, if the sound is sharp and sudden, a body can reveal a "fight or flight" reaction, resulting in increasing adrenaline levels.

Why change audio frequency in audio and video production

When creating complex audio-visual projects, audio editing is no less important than video editing. Without it, the sound may be too piercing, "muddy", or unintelligible.

Other reasons can also include:

  • To dump sibilance.
  • To separate speech from ambient sounds and background music. If all those soundtracks share the same frequency, they coalesce, and a listener can’t distinguish them properly.
  • To create a full and pleasant sound.
  • To set the needed mood and atmosphere.
  • To reduce noise and sound artifacts.
  • To fix recording issues.

To adjust frequencies you can choose elaborated professional software or simple and user-friendly online services, the choice is yours. Mind, that sometimes to change the recording’s audio frequency you’ll have to convert audio to another format.


What is the audio frequency?

In simple words, it’s a parameter that defines a sound’s pitch. Low frequencies give a low pitch, and vice versa.

How does audio frequency affect the sound?

Besides the most obvious way — defining its pitch — audio frequency makes the sound "deeper" or "acute". According to these characteristics, the sounds, in turn, can affect listeners both physically and mentally.

How can I change the frequency?

With the help of special tools. Luckily, the market offers a full range of various services, both browser-based and offline, free and subscription-based, affordable and costly, simple and sophisticated, etc.


Audio frequency may seem hard to understand, but it’s one of the basic audio characteristics, essential for audio editing. It’s a powerful tool for affecting your audience’s mood and even physical condition, also imbalanced frequency can make the recording unintelligible, or, on the contrary, clear and expressive.