Does video for learning work?
Students are learning from video now more than ever before. But does it correlate with their academic progress? It depends on numerous factors.
First of all, not everybody is a visual learner. Some people don’t perceive linear information: they need a text to read different chunks at their own pace and chosen order, reread something or run ahead.
On the other hand, video education engages several senses: sight and hearing. It makes students focus on what is going on, increases concentration, and conveys information in a clear way.
Overall, teachers and scientists believe that the use of videos in teaching and learning has more advantages than drawbacks, but, as always, it should meet some requirements.

How do videos help students learn
As we have already said, videos make information more transparent and systematic.
Moreover, this way of learning greatly increases digital literacy and helps students to cope with modern sources of information from a very early age.
Thanks to smartphones, videos may be watched anywhere and any time: on public transport, before falling asleep, or during a lunch break. Moreover, you do not need to carry a thick textbook everywhere, especially if you need to revise several subjects.
Last but not least, while texts may be highly academic and hard to comprehend, videos are usually amusing and more or less informal.

Why use videos in the classroom
There are some benefits for teachers as well.
- Changing types of activities (for example, watching videos after some reading or discussion) expands learners’ attention span and keeps them engaged.
- Videos can better illustrate theoretical information.
- Videos enable distant education. One course may be watched by hundreds and thousands of students.
- Teachers become facilitators rather than supervisors. This way they help students undergo the learning process at their own pace and manner.
Hints and tips
Effective educational videos should be:
- Short. Ideally — up to 6 minutes. If the covered topic requires more time, split it into shorter chunks.
- Combined. Let your video include a lecturer's “talking head’, not only footage and slides. For example, it may be a “picture-in-picture” mode, which you can easily create in any online video editor.
- Informal. Highly professional and impersonal videos make less impact than imperfect but heartily recordings.
Each teacher should decide for themself if they want to integrate videos in the learning process and how to do so. Whatever you choose, our video editing tools are here to help!