GIFs have long been part of the Internet experience. They are used everywhere, and we often "scroll" past them with our eyes, focusing on other parts of the page. But animated GIF files are interesting in their own right, too. While they may look simple, the process of creating or modifying them affects perception. One such aspect is their speed.

Understanding GIF animation

The GIF consists of a sequence of images, or frames, that play one after another, making them the most important part of an animated GIF file.

Frame rate, the speed of changing frames, affects how smooth the animation looks. GIFs typically use a low frame rate of 5 to 15 FPS to reduce file size.

Animated GIF files are often looped, meaning they repeat endlessly, making them ideal for short, repetitive actions.

They are not hard to make, so anyone can create their own animated GIF image and use them in nearly any situation. Those can include:

  • Memes. Short, funny animations that you can see all over the Internet.
  • Educational materials. Visual instructions or demonstrations of processes.
  • Social media. GIFs are actively used to express emotions or reactions.
  • Marketing. Advertising banners or animated calls to action.
GIF image

However, not every GIF is suitable for every occasion. Since this type of image is so effective, it's important to consider the context and intended impact. Manipulating the speed can help with this.

Reasons to change GIF speed

Speed plays an important role in the functionality of GIFs. It strongly influences the following aspects:

Perception impact

Fast pacing can evoke a sense of dynamism, energy, or even chaos. Memes often use sped-up animated GIFs to enhance the comic effect. Slow pacing, on the other hand, can create a sense of fluidity. It also helps with readability; if the animation is too fast, the viewer may not have time to absorb information (such as text or image details).

Size optimization

Increasing the speed typically requires adding more frames, resulting in a larger file size. To reduce it, GIFs are often slowed down, which is important for fast loading, especially on the web or instant messengers.

In addition, some websites have size limits, which require adjusting the settings to meet the requirements. Making GIFs slower can make it compatible with older devices or browsers.

GIF speed

Creating accents

Changing speed can help highlight key moments. For example, slowing down at a climactic moment draws attention to this specific shot.

On the other hand, making GIFs faster helps shorten long or boring sections.

Tools to change GIF speed

Many editors will help slow down or speed up GIFs, and you can even find dedicated mobile apps for them. Depending on your goals and further editing, both simple GIF frame rate changers and complex software can be useful. Let's take a look at a few of them.

Advanced approach: GIMP

A free alternative to the more famous Photoshop and other complex editors, this software allows you to change the GIF speed and edit frames. However, for a beginner, GIMP can be unintuitive, so let's walk through the process together.

  1. Open the GIF file

    Launch GIMP and drag and drop the GIF into the program window, or choose File > Open and select it from the device.

    Gimp open GIF
  2. Access the layers tab

    After uploading, you will see all the frames of your GIF on a panel on the right side.

    If it doesn't open, go to Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Layers or use the Ctrl+L combination.

    Gimp animated GIF layers
  3. Change the speed

    You can see each frame has a delay in milliseconds – it shows the speed at which it plays.

    To change it, double-click the name of any frame and change the number in parenthesis. A larger number will slow the frame playback, while a smaller one will speed it up.

    Gimp change GIF speed

    Press "Enter" after changing the number.

    Repeat for every frame.

  4. Save the GIF

    Go to File > Export as. Choose a location to save the file, enter a filename with the .gif extension, and click "Export."

    In the pop-up window, tick "Save as animation." Then, specify whether the GIF will be an endless loop and tune the delay for unspecified frames.

    Gimp save GIF file

    When everything is ready, click "Export".

Pros and cons of changing GIF speed in GIMP

When it comes to changing GIF speed, GIMP offers a mix of benefits and drawbacks. Consider the following key advantages and disadvantages to help you decide if it’s the right tool for your needs.


  • Free to use
  • Powerful editing features
  • Control over every frame


  • The interface is not overly user-friendly
  • Requires time to master

Simple approach: Clideo GIF Editor

Control over each frame sounds interesting, but it can be overwhelming when you just want to change the speed of the entire GIF. A simple GIF editor will help with the latter. Since it's an online tool, there's no need to download it, and it works on any device with Internet access.

Clideo online GIF editor to change speed

The process of changing speed is also simple.

  1. Add GIF

    Open GIF editor in any browser on any device you have at hand and click "Get started", then upload the GIF from your device or one of the available cloud storage accounts.

  2. Change the speed

    Click the GIF on the timeline to select it. The options tab will appear above. Go to "Speed" and apply one of the presets, or drag the slider to adjust it more precisely.

    If you need even more precise options, go to "Time" and put the exact timing in the "Duration" part.

    Clideo GIF duration

    Want to have a different speed for some parts of the GIF? Place the playhead at the point where you want to divide it and use"✄", then change the duration of each part separately.

  3. Save the GIF

    Click "Export" and select the GIF option. After processing the file, click "Download" to save the result or click "Edit" to adjust some settings.

Pros and cons of changing GIF speed in Clideo

Clideo GIF editor is a useful tool for quickly adjusting GIF speed. Here are some aspects to consider regarding ease of use and functionality, as well as potential limitations.


  • Easy-to-use
  • Quick and straightforward process
  • Additional features for editing the appearance of the GIF


  • Doesn't provide control over each frame
  • Cannot be used without Internet access

GIF speed editing tips

To achieve better results, it is also worth considering various aspects that can affect speed efficiency.

  • For example, keep it smooth. Avoid sudden changes in speed unless it's an artistic choice. Check how the animation looks before and after to avoid a "jerky" effect.
  • Consider the frame rate. The optimal one for GIFs is 10-15 FPS. Too low a rate will make the playback choppy, and too high will increase the file size. If you are slowing down a GIF, make sure the number of frames is sufficient for smoothness.
  • Check how your GIF looks on different devices: your computer, smartphone, social media, etc. Some platforms automatically adjust the speed or quality.
  • GIF compatibility
  • Consider the intended audience. For social media (e.g., Twitter, Instagram), use short and quick GIFs, while for professional presentations or training materials, use slower and more detailed ones.
  • Try different speeds and see how it affects the experience.
  • If the GIF is looping, check if the first and last frames match.
  • Use the right tools. Decide whether you need it for simple tasks or professional editing so you can immediately seek the right editor.
  • Also, remember to always have the original file separate. This will allow you to return to it if you are unsatisfied with the result.

Common mistakes when changing GIF speed

Changing the animation speed is a simple process, but a few common mistakes can ruin the result. These include:

  • Loss of smoothness. Slowing down or speeding up too much makes the animation appear choppy or "jerky". Make sure the number of frames is sufficient for smoothness, and add intermediate frames if necessary.
  • Increase in file size is too big. Slowing down a GIF increases the number of frames, which results in a larger file size. Optimize your GIF after changing the speed using compression tools.
  • Incorrect frame rate. Too low or too high a frame rate makes the animation look unnatural. Use an optimal frame rate (10-15 FPS for most GIFs).
  • Loss of image quality. Changing the speed sometimes results in deterioration of image quality (blur, artifacts). Use professional tools and preserve the original quality.
  • Using low-quality sources. Changing the speed of a low-quality GIF only makes the result worse, so it's better to start with high-quality source material.
  • Low quality images for GIF
  • Insufficient optimization, which makes the GIF too large to upload to the platform or open slowly. Use compression and optimization tools (e.g., reducing the color palette or resolution).

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Can you change the speed of a GIF?

Yes, it can be sped up or slowed down. This is done by changing the playback speed for an individual or all frames.

How does changing GIF speed affect file size and quality?

Speeding up increases the file size while slowing down decreases it. The quality may deteriorate, and it also depends on the quality of the source. However, when using professional tools, there won't be such an effect, or it won't be as noticeable.

What is the ideal frame rate for a smooth-looking GIF?

The ideal number depends on the purpose of the GIF, its complexity, and the platform it will be used on. 10-15 FPS is the optimal range for most GIFs; it provides smoothness without significantly increasing the file size. At the same time, 12 FPS is often considered the "middle ground" for GIFs, as it balances smoothness and compactness.

What's the easiest way to slow down or speed up a GIF online?

Using tools that can complete the process relatively quickly. Some online apps may offer better control over frames, but most often, you need to change the speed of the entire GIF, and simpler analogs will do.

Are there any mobile apps for adjusting GIF speed?

Yes, depending on the system on your device, you can find many suitable GIF speed changers. However, if you plan a one-time process, it may be better to use online tools.


GIFs can greatly influence the perception of the content they appear next to and simply express the desired range of emotions. The speed of GIFs is a crucial factor in achieving the desired effect. While changing this parameter is straightforward, it is essential to consider the potential outcomes of such changes.

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