What does FPS mean
FPS stands for Frames Per Second, and it's the number of still images shown to the viewer per second. High FPS makes a video smooth and less blurry, and low FPS creates a chunky and less natural visual.

Standard frame rate for videos
Traditionally, all Hollywood movies are recorded with 24 fps. That has given birth to a city legend about a mysterious "25th frame", which can literally magnetize people and make them, for example, buy something, as it goes invisible to an eye, but not to a brain.
In fact, if we ask "how many FPS can the eye see", the answer will be "up to 60 fps", so it's just a myth.
There are other standards, though:
- 30 fps is usually used for television programs and shows. It creates a so-called "soap opera effect", as the video looks a little bit different, but viewers can't understand what is wrong.
- 60 fps is used for action films or sports events.
- 120 fps and higher are used for applying a slow motion effect.
It is proven, though, that the difference between 120 fps and 240 fps is almost unnoticeable for the human eye.

How does FPS influence video quality
It doesn't actually, resolution does. A video with the highest FPS and very low resolution will be grainy and poor.
On the other hand, video frame rate change may make a recording smoother, and while for some viewers, that's not a big deal, for others, it may be a significant improvement.
The drawback of such changes is that the video size will also change. The more frames (id est still pictures) a file contains, the bigger it is. Sometimes it may be crucial for video editing, as some tools have certain size limits, and others don't support different frame rates. Luckily, there is video editing software compatible with all FPS values.
Is higher FPS better for video
Not always. As we have already pointed out, tastes differ, and many viewers find high FPS unnatural and even repulsive.
Modern smartphones and cameras allow setting up a frame rate while shooting. Remember, the shutter speed must be 2 times higher, that means 24 fps requires 1/50 shutter speed.
You may also change this parameter in post-shooting editing, for example, in an FPS video converter. And some playback devices even allow setting this value without changing the file itself.