Resize MKV File Online
Change video size for Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter post and other social media

Complete Privacy
We care about your privacy, which is why your files are protected with an SSL certificate on our website. No one has access to them except you the whole time.
Format Change
Convert your video to a format supported by the chosen platform. If you input custom values, you will have access to over 20 different formats to choose from.
Crop Video
You can fit the entire video into the selected frame and change the background color, or fill the frame completely to avoid leaving any blank space.
MKV video resizer
What is an MKV file? It’s a multimedia container that can include video, audio, and subtitles. Unlike MOV or MP4, MKV format provides less compression, which results in better quality but larger file size.
MKV videos are less compatible with online streaming platforms than some analogs, but still, they are popular enough to need a special tool to adjust them for posting on social media.
Clideo’s video resizer works with a wide range of formats, including .MKV. It’s an online service, fully compatible with all operating systems and device types. While having a Clideo Pro subscription, the tool doesn’t limit its functionality for free or unregistered users. With the help of this service, you can resize an MKV file and change its format to the more common one.
The easiest way to resize MKV is to follow these steps.
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Get Clideo Video Editor App for iPhone
Download the Clideo Video Editor App to your iPhone to create your own video and edit it in any way: combine video, images, text, and music in the multi-track timeline.