Add Subtitles to Video on Mac

Add subtitles to video on Mac manually or automatically

Add Subtitles to Video on Mac

Use as a Converter

Before saving your movie with subtitles, you can convert it to any desired format like MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, and others.

Options to Choose from

You can decide how to add subtitles to your video: manually or with an SRT subtitle file. In any case, you can edit them then.

Edit Subtitle Font

We don't limit you! Select a font, its size, align the text. Also, choose its color and background to make the subs look brighter and seen on both black and white.

Subtitle software on Mac

Mac computers are widely used and offer a range of features and applications that make video playback convenient and enjoyable. There is a QuickTime Player that supports various video formats and provides basic video playback capabilities. It is pre-installed on Macs, making it easy for users to watch videos without requiring additional software.

In recent years, captioning Mac videos has become very common due to the advantages subtitles provide. In certain industries or contexts, such as film production, it may even be required as part of the production process. Of course, it can be done for personal purposes as well.

On a Mac, creating subtitles is possible without relying on third-party apps by using the built-in text editor. However, manual creation may take a lot of time depending on the length of the video, so many users download subtitling software for Mac to speed up the process.

Our tool makes it easy to create an .SRT file on Mac, add subtitles to QuickTime files or any other video, such as MP4, MKV, and others, and it only takes a few minutes.

How to add text to a video on Mac

Need help?
Upload a video
Add a video to our subtitle editor from your Mac or cloud storage. Click "Add manually" to make subtitles from scratch. Or, if you want the tool to create them, select "Auto subtitles", choose the language used in your video, and click "Generate".
Make and edit subtitles
When subtitles are created, you can edit the text. Customize the subtitles by adjusting their position and alignment, or changing their font, color, and background settings. You can also select one of the styles available in the editor.
Save the video with captions
Click "↓ SRT" to create a separate subtitle file. If you want the captions to be permanently on, click "Export" to process the project and download the video with text embedded into it to your device or cloud storage.
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Let's do it with our online subtitle editor!