Add Subtitles to Video on iPhone

Add captions to video on iPhone manually or automatically

Add Subtitles to Video on iPhone

Use as a Converter

Before saving your movie with subtitles, you can convert it to any desired format like MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, and others.

Options to Choose from

You can decide how to add subtitles to your video: manually or with an SRT subtitle file. In any case, you can edit them then.

Edit Subtitle Font

We don't limit you! Select a font, its size, align the text. Also, choose its color and background to make the subs look brighter and seen on both black and white.

Subtitles on iPhone

Videos shot on iPhones have gained significant popularity over the years. The combination of accessibility, convenience, high-quality output, and integration with social media platforms has contributed to their popularity. iPhones have become a common choice for individuals, influencers, and content creators to capture and share videos with a wide audience.

Adding subtitles or captions has also become quite common. While they may not be necessary for every video, they make viewing more accessible, inclusive, understandable, and engaging for a wider range of viewers. However, there is no built-in feature to add subtitles to a video on an iPhone, so users have to use various third-party apps available on the App Store or alternative options.

Our tool provides an option to add captions to an iPhone video quickly and personalize their look — all without the need to download an app to do it.

How to add subtitles to video on iPhone

Need help?
Add a video
Upload your iPhone video to our subtitle generator from your device or cloud storage. Tap "Add manually" to create subtitles from scratch. Or, if you want the tool to make them, select "Auto subtitles", choose the language used in your video, and tap "Generate".
Attach subtitles
After subtitles are made or generated, you can edit and correct their text and how they look. Customize the subtitles as you need, adjust their position and alignment and change their font and background settings. You can also select one of the predefined styles in the editor.
Download the video with captions
Once you’re satisfied with the subtitles, tap "Export", then save your video with generated subtitles embedded into it back to your device or cloud storage.
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Download the Clideo Video Editor App to your iPhone to create your own video and edit it in any way: combine video, images, text, and music in the multi-track timeline.

Ready to add subtitles to your video?
Let's do it with our online subtitle editor!