Resources — Page 11

Ready to jump into micro video content creation? Our introductory article will help you get started with creating engaging bite-sized videos.

Less is not always worse than more, and microvlogging is proof of that. Learn more about what it is!

As cool a static image background on your phone is, a video wallpaper is a rather unusual solution that will make the screen really stand out. Find out how easy it is to create such wallpapers!

What is authenticity, and why is it important? How to make sure your video meets this definition? How to stand out from the competitors’ video content? Let’s answer these and other questions.

Everyone knows creating content for YouTube could be pretty lucrative, but not everyone knows there is more than one way to monetize videos. Get to know them!

Meet Clideo Editor — an ultimate all-in-one tool for in-depth video editing. Almost every mission is possible for it!

Did you ever think about trying to become a vlogger? If you want to know whether it’s worth it, check out the advantages of this activity!

If you decide to become a professional vlogger, you will most likely face several vlogging challenges. Learn more about them and some helpful tips and tricks to overcome them.

The more, the better, right? Create seamless videos without any technical expertise. Learn how to stitch 2 and more videos together in one clip on iPhone.

Want to start your own channel? Find out about several ways to make your journey easier!

The same video looks different on different platforms. Find out how to quickly resize it before uploading!

If you are a new YouTuber, you might have already thought of how to stop being camera-shy when vlogging. Check out some tips to overcome the fear of being on camera.

Wishing all the best is always good, but it’s even better when the greetings are something that you’ve made on your own. Find out how easy it is to create a video greeting!

Discover the key steps to effectively storyboard a video and bring your ideas to life.

Easter is a very special holiday. In a certain sense, it may be even more important than Christmas as it symbolizes the upcoming spring. It deserves very special wishes too.

To write a perfect screenplay, you need to put your thoughts together and start writing. And to shoot a video based on a written script, a storyboard comes to the rescue.

Sound often makes up a large part of the final result, so it’s worth getting creative and using different sound effects. Find out how to easily apply them to your video!

There is always room for some mystery and innuendo, so don’t hesitate to blur your video when it’s necessary for the artistic effect. And we’ll show you how!

Have you ever happened to fall asleep during a boring class or training and felt incredibly guilty after that? Meet educational videos which are meant to make you sleepy!

Thanks to the Internet, you can learn new things and various skills without leaving your home or even getting out of bed. Find out which sites you should go to for this!

Do you want to combine many clips or pictures into one video? Find out how to do it quickly and easily!

Let’s continue our exciting trip to the world of editing terminology. Meet the third part of the Glossary we’ve prepared for you!

To create a good video, knowing the theory of video editing will come in handy. Learn about the main features that will help you speed up the editing process!

Do you want to become a video blogger? While working with a video editor, you may encounter a huge number of video editing terms.
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