Resources — Page 16

How to Make Fashion Video
Fashion blogs have become a runaway hit, as it’s the easiest way to keep up with trends. Do you want to start one and become an influencer?
How to Make Dance Video Online
Twirling to an upbeat track or an intricate dance to classical music — create your dance video and share it with the world.
Best Phones for Recording Video in 2022
Smartphone video cameras have always been one of the most important and requested features. And these days, we can already choose from multiple phones for recording video.
How to Replace Sound in Video Online
Do you have a recording where some viral video sound would fit perfectly? See how to quickly replace the audio in your video with the sound from the other one!
How to Make Day in the Life Video
A video diary is a new evolving type of vlog. Even if you think that you have the most ordinary and boring life, you are wrong.
How to Make Motivational Videos
We all need inspiration from time to time, and the right videos can lift your spirits right away. Learn how to make your own inspirational video in a few clicks.
What are Product Demo Videos
It is not enough to say these days that your product is just great. You really need to pull your socks up, and product demo videos can be a solution!
What is Branded Content
Everyone has long been accustomed to advertisements on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media pages. But advertisers are always trying to find new ways to reach their audience.
How to Make Cooking Videos
If you have any great recipes why not share them with the world and make cooking videos? And our online video editing tool to help you with that tasty mission.
How to Make Selfie Video with Music
A selfie video format is now very popular – this is any video that one records while talking about, showing, or presenting oneself or their hobby.
What is BookTube
Has YouTube canceled books? Or has it given them a "second" life? Learn about BookTube — a cozy place for everything bookish.
How to Create Funny Pet Videos Online
Many bloggers post content with pets, and some even dedicate their channels entirely to their pets. Want to do something similar too? Start with making your own pet video!
What is Travel Vlog and How to Start It
Thousands of people travel, hundreds share their impressions, and only a few shoot high-quality videos while visiting different places.
How to Add Tutorial Background Music
Do you think tutorials don’t need any background music? You couldn’t be more wrong. As always, there are certain peculiarities though.
What is Wilhelm Scream
You definitely heard that famous movie scream. The Indians and the conquerors of America, the soldiers of the Second World War, and the stormtroopers of the Far, Far Galaxy died making this sound.
How to Add Text In-Between Video
There are many different ways to make transitions between different parts of a video — having a text label for each part of the video is one of them.
What are Sound Effects in Films
Even silent movies were shown with hired pianists to emphasize action and let viewers "feel" the film deeper. Nowadays, sound effects play a significant role that can’t be overrated.
How to Jump Cut in Online Video Editor
Jump Cut is just one of many different cuts in filmmaking. Being born as a filming error, nowadays, this cut is an impressive artistic feature used by many directors.
What is Frame Rate in Video
Frame rate in a video, also known as fps, is the value that might be useful to know if you are a video editor. Let's find out more about it.
How to Make Before and After Video
Do you want to impress your followers with your sports achievements? Are you a great artist and eager to show how your best works come to life? Try creating the Before and After video then.
How to Make Travel Video Online
They say traveling is like a separate life. It would be such a pity to lose those precious memories, wouldn’t it? Make a video out of your travel footage and keep memories fresh forever!
Long-Form vs Short-Form Video Content
The more information is over there, the harder it is for us to process it all. That is why short videos replace long ones everywhere now. Or maybe not yet?
What is Selfie Drone
The idea of a flying camera is getting more and more popular among selfie-takers. But is it any better than selfie sticks?
What is Green Screen
Overly decorated backdrops are nice to look at, but when they’ve fulfilled their purpose, there’s not much use for them. To save time and budget, green screens come in handy.